Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Junior ROTC

We never had Junior ROTC in my high schools. But apparently they have it now. It is jointly paid for by the defense department and the LAUSD. I found out all about this in an article in yesterday's TIMES (Need to Register). What I found astounding about the article is that certain teachers in the school are actively involved in undermining the program and working to convince kids not to join it. I think that's outrageous. If employees where I worked went around and tried to undermine programs at the firm, such as 401 k, continuing legal ed, it would be grounds for termination. In our high school campuses, it is just a matter of free speech. The man in charge of the program at Roosevelt High is so disguisted with the politics of it that he is leaving.


Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

At RugRat's HS, they have a military night. Kids from schools all around can come to hear recruiters. (I think it should be during school hours and let kids go during breaks.) But some parents are so upset about it that they URGE parents to not only keep their kids away but to lobby to stop it. Makes me sick.

Motto of the left: Freedom of speech for me, but not for thee.

February 20, 2007 2:52 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

My high school had an Air Force Junior ROTC program, and the local Army recruiting sargeant used to call graduating seniors at home. Even so, most ROTC students did not join the military, and only a fairly small number of my classmates signed up after graduation. What those anti-recruitment activists need to realize is that ROTC demystifies military culture, often in ways that make it seem less attractive to many students. High school ROTC gives a kid the opportunity to make a better informed decision--and most of the time, at least in my town, the decision is actually "not for me, thanks."

Besides, aren't we always being told that prohibiting something only makes it seem more alluring?

February 20, 2007 5:37 PM  

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