Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Friday, February 18, 2005

Deaths of Note

He played the father in Flipper. What kid in the 60's didn't want his own dolphin?
He cherished the role because it portrayed "a parent who gives his kids principles and talks to them about the real values in life." Man. . talk about old school.

The first, last, and only grammarian at the New Yorker Magazine. She got the job by pointing out errors that she found in the magazine. She insisted on proper grammar and clarity in writing. Man. . talk about old school.

LOUIS SUTTER: The father of the Sutter brothers, 6 of the 7 who played in the NHL.
He raised tough, spirited kids who loved the game of hockey. Man, talk about old school.

The passing of an era. . . replaced by Hip Hop Nation. T.O. Rules!


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